Brackett Street House is a small Assisted Living facility located in Portland at 232 Bracket Street. Brackett Street House provides Assisted Living services for each of its residents and if needed, assists them with bathing, grooming, meal preparation, dressing and more. Brackett Street House aims to provide a safe, nurturing and caring environment to its residents in a home-like setting that is similar to being in the comfort of their own home.
For bathing and grooming, caregivers in Brackett Street House can assist residents with help in to and out of the shower, dressing assistance, toileting and may provide the services of a travelling barber or hair dresser. In terms of meal preparation, three healthy, home-cooked meals are provided to the residents at Brackett Street House. Should residents have high blood pressure, diabetes or other medical conditions, Brackett Street House should be able to provide special diet accommodations upon request. While 24-hour awake staff is not required by state licensing, certain Assisted Living facilities may have caregivers awake at night to accommodate your Loved One.